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- Forest activities8
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- 19
Tour en Cuatrimoto 4×4
"El tour en cuatrimoto 4x4 es recorriendo un circuito entre manglares semisecos, llanuras y un bosque de Casuarinas, dentro de una extensión de 550 hectáreas de dunas; para finalizar descenderemos por las majestuosas Dunas del Sabanal, dónde podrás apreciar paisajes que harán que tu experiencia sea inolvidable; como dato importante tienes que saber que la duna más grande tiene una altura aproximada de 60 metros de altura, adrenalina 100% garantizada."
Un viaje único dentro de un magnífico complejo desértico de más de 500 hectáreas que te dejará sin aliento. Todo comienza en Playa Chachalacas, recorriendo parte del litoral del Golfo de México hasta llegar a las Dunas del Sabanal, te llevaremos por distintos ecosistemas, cada uno de ellos con su abundante flora y fauna dentro de los cuales podrás divisar Halcones Peregrinos (especie en peligro de extinción) y los famosos Correcaminos. Además de conocer estos fantásticos ecosistemas, vamos a descender por las imponentes dunas, mismas que pueden llegar a medir más de 50 metros de altura, sin duda una experiencia llena de adrenalina.
En tu experiencia serás asistido por un guía con amplio conocimiento de la región y sus ecosistemas, mismo que te conducirá por la ruta más segura para que concentres en disfrutar del paisaje que la naturaleza nos regala. Los tours se realiza en días lluviosos, soleados, nublados o con vientos inferiores a 50kms por hora.
Las cuatrimotos son automáticas, de fácil manejo y con la mejor tecnologia.
Estamos conscientes de qué es una actividad extrema y con ciertos riesgos, mismos que serán minimizados al 100% siempre y cuando sigas las instrucciones al pie de la letra.
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- Cuatrimoto Modelo CanAm Outlander Max 2021 para 2 personas (no mas de 150 kg.)
- $2,500.00 MXN
- 2 horas
- 1-2 por Cuatrimoto
"El Sandboarding es una actividad muy divertida, te enseñaremos a deslizarte en tablas especiales hasta que logres controlar el descenso por nuestro circuito de dunas que tienen 5 niveles de altura que van desde los 4 metros hasta los 25 metros, te garantizamos que lo lograrás." Actividad Pet Friendly
Nadie lo creería si se dijera que en medio de uno de los desiertos de México se pueda hallar diversión, ¡pero puedes tener la posibilidad de experimentar el surf en la arena! Sí, surfeando en la arena con Chachalacas Adventure.
Veracruz es conocida desde hace años por sus hermosas playas, perfectas para relajarse y disfrutar de unas vacaciones inolvidables. Para muchas personas, la idea es ir con amigos y familiares a tomar el sol, jugar al voleibol de playa o simplemente disfrutar de una puesta de sol realista.
Sin embargo, varias personas conocen la existencia de una increíble playa en Veracruz donde se puede surfear con una tabla de surf en la arena. Sí, hay dunas de varios metros de altura con arena fina que parece polvo y cuando ponemos la mirada en ellas parece que no vamos a poder subir; además no vemos cómo podemos deslizarnos corriendo y sobre todo con una tabla en los pies.
La buena noticia es que Chachalacas Adventure ofrece sus servicios en este maravilloso lugar de nombre Playa Chachalacas, lo que nos facilita hacer la aventura. Es necesario ir en grupo, porque la actividad se realiza por turnos. En un principio se determina quién tendrá el honor de disfrutar de este gran deporte.
Luego es necesario subir con uno de los guías de Chachalacas Adventure, porque a veces hay algunas dificultades para subir a la cima si no sabemos caminar sobre las dunas de arena. La buena noticia es que se encargan de todo y aportan todo el material necesario para que esta aventura sea posible. Por tanto, una vez en la cima se puede utilizar una pala o un palo para trepar, ya que en ocasiones puede resultar difícil debido a la arena fina que no nos deja agarrarnos firmemente de algo.
- $ 800.00 MXN pax
- 3 horas
- 1-30
"¿Eres una de esas personas a las que les gusta pasar su tiempo libre en la playa? ¿Qué tal si te dijéramos que México tiene dunas desérticas impresionantes donde puedes hacer skimboard?" "Estamos hablando de las dunas de Playa Chachalacas, en Veracruz, México. Es un lugar que agradará a todo tipo de público, especialmente a los skimboaders". "Es un desierto con grandes dunas que hará las delicias de todos los amantes de los deportes de aventura". Skimboarding ahora en las arenas de las dunas de Playa Chachalacas.
El desierto de dunas ha sido un gran atractivo para quienes pasan sus fines de semana buscando la aventura, además de ser un lugar para practicar sandboard o skimboarding, pues cuenta con grandes dunas que harán las delicias de todos los amantes de este tipo de deportes.
“Llamamos a este lugar el desierto de las dunas porque se puede disfrutar durante todo el año y sus atractivos son aptos tanto para niños como para adultos”, explica Ricardo Beirute, uno de los propietarios de Chachalacas Eco Adventure.
¡Eso es, kidos! Si tus padres quieren llevarte de viaje este fin de semana, ¿por qué no ir a donde juegan? No solo lo pasarás bien, sino que, si tienes suerte, tal vez puedas calentar tu tabla.
“Contamos con maquinaria que está especialmente diseñada para skimboard en el desierto de dunas, para que puedas pasar horas practicando este deporte”, dijo Beirute. "¡Es impresionante!"
El desierto se encuentra en Chachalacas Ecoturismo donde también ofrecen otras actividades como sandboarding o tours en cuatrimotos.
Aunque algunos puedan pensar que hay que hacerlo a la orilla del mar, no te preocupes porque también se puede practicar en el desierto de dunas si te interesan los divertidos deportes del desierto.
“Un día lleno de adrenalina y grandes sensaciones esperan a nuestros clientes”, promete Ricardo Beirute.
"Se proporcionará todo el equipo necesario".
- $ 250.00 MXN pax
- 1 hora
- 1 - 30
A treetop adventure introducing older children to a more challenging treetop trek with higher platforms and longer zips. Treetop Adventure+ is all about the ‘more’. More speed, more air, more freedom, more height and more thrills. If you are looking for a step up from our Adventure course, turn things up a notch with Adventure+. A chance to engage in where food really comes from. Through a hands-on (and tasty) tour, discover how we ensure our garden remains sustainable and organic. The group will be able to pick and eat some of our produce straight from the plants and also help with either harvesting or sewing crops as well.
Looking for something even more challenging and ideal for adults? Check out Challenge.Find your nearest high ropes adventure, that's ideal for you, today.
Brand New Treetop Adventure+ just launched at Go Ape Bracknell and Go Ape Leeds Castle.
A high ropes activity designed for older children with (or without) their families in mind. Adventure+ hits the feel-good factor every time.Looking for something more challenging and ideal for adults? Treetop Challenge might just be the answer.
- Easy
- 2 - 3 hours
- 16
Tree climbing
Help with either harvesting or sewing crops as well.
A treetop adventure introducing older children to a more challenging treetop trek with higher platforms and longer zips. Treetop Adventure+ is all about the ‘more’. More speed, more air, more freedom, more height and more thrills. If you are looking for a step up from our Adventure course, turn things up a notch with Adventure+. A chance to engage in where food really comes from. Through a hands-on (and tasty) tour.
discover how we ensure our garden remains sustainable and organic. The group will be able to pick and eat some of our produce straight from the plants and also help with either harvesting or sewing crops as well.
A high ropes activity designed for older children with (or without) their families in mind. Adventure+ hits the feel-good factor every time.
Looking for something more challenging and ideal for adults? Treetop Challenge might just be the answer.
Prefer to dial things down a level with an adventure that's ideal for younger children? Check out Treetop Adventure.
- User
- 2-4 hours
- 10
Zip line
Find your nearest high ropes adventure, that's ideal for you, today.
A treetop adventure introducing older children to a more challenging treetop trek with higher platforms and longer zips. Treetop Adventure+ is all about the ‘more’. More speed, more air, more freedom, more height and more thrills. If you are looking for a step up from our Adventure course, turn things up a notch with Adventure+. A chance to engage in where food really comes from. Through a hands-on (and tasty) tour.
discover how we ensure our garden remains sustainable and organic. The group will be able to pick and eat some of our produce straight from the plants and also help with either harvesting or sewing crops as well.
A high ropes activity designed for older children with (or without) their families in mind. Adventure+ hits the feel-good factor every time.
Looking for something more challenging and ideal for adults? Treetop Challenge might just be the answer.
Prefer to dial things down a level with an adventure that's ideal for younger children? Check out Treetop Adventure.
- Easy
- 5-8 hours
- 15
Tree top challenge
Looking for something even more challenging and ideal for adults? Check out Challenge.
A treetop adventure introducing older children to a more challenging treetop trek with higher platforms and longer zips. Treetop Adventure+ is all about the ‘more’. More speed, more air, more freedom, more height and more thrills. If you are looking for a step up from our Adventure course, turn things up a notch with Adventure+. A chance to engage in where food really comes from. Through a hands-on (and tasty) tour.
discover how we ensure our garden remains sustainable and organic. The group will be able to pick and eat some of our produce straight from the plants and also help with either harvesting or sewing crops as well.
A high ropes activity designed for older children with (or without) their families in mind. Adventure+ hits the feel-good factor every time.
Looking for something more challenging and ideal for adults? Treetop Challenge might just be the answer.
Prefer to dial things down a level with an adventure that's ideal for younger children? Check out Treetop Adventure.
- Easy
- 3-6 hours
- 15
Great Wall
A chance to engage in where food really comes from.
A treetop adventure introducing older children to a more challenging treetop trek with higher platforms and longer zips. Treetop Adventure+ is all about the ‘more’. More speed, more air, more freedom, more height and more thrills. If you are looking for a step up from our Adventure course, turn things up a notch with Adventure+. A chance to engage in where food really comes from. Through a hands-on (and tasty) tour.
discover how we ensure our garden remains sustainable and organic. The group will be able to pick and eat some of our produce straight from the plants and also help with either harvesting or sewing crops as well.
Looking for something even more challenging and ideal for adults? Check out Challenge.Find your nearest high ropes adventure, that's ideal for you, today.
Brand New Treetop Adventure+ just launched at Go Ape Bracknell and Go Ape Leeds Castle.
- Easy
- 1 - 5 hours
- 25
Fire Lighting
Treetop Adventure+ is all about the ‘more’. More speed, more air, more freedom, more height and more thrills.If you are looking for a step up from our Adventure course, turn things up a notch with Adventure+. A chance to engage in where food really comes from. Through a hands-on (and tasty) tour, discover how we ensure our garden remains sustainable and organic. The group will be able to pick and eat some of our produce straight from the plants and also help with either harvesting or sewing crops as well.
Looking for something even more challenging and ideal for adults? Check out Challenge.Find your nearest high ropes adventure, that's ideal for you, today.
Brand New Treetop Adventure+ just launched at Go Ape Bracknell and Go Ape Leeds Castle.
A high ropes activity designed for older children with (or without) their families in mind. Adventure+ hits the feel-good factor every time.Looking for something more challenging and ideal for adults? Treetop Challenge might just be the answer.
- Easy
- 1 - 3 hours
- 12
Nets Adventure
The group will be able to pick and eat some of our produce straight from the plants.
A treetop adventure introducing older children to a more challenging treetop trek with higher platforms and longer zips. Treetop Adventure+ is all about the ‘more’. More speed, more air, more freedom, more height and more thrills. If you are looking for a step up from our Adventure course, turn things up a notch with Adventure+. A chance to engage in where food really comes from. Through a hands-on (and tasty) tour.
discover how we ensure our garden remains sustainable and organic. The group will be able to pick and eat some of our produce straight from the plants and also help with either harvesting or sewing crops as well.
A high ropes activity designed for older children with (or without) their families in mind. Adventure+ hits the feel-good factor every time.
Looking for something more challenging and ideal for adults? Treetop Challenge might just be the answer.
Prefer to dial things down a level with an adventure that's ideal for younger children? Check out Treetop Adventure.
- Easy
- 2-5 hours
- 20
Forest Segway
A treetop adventure introducing older children to a more challenging treetop trek with higher platforms and longer zips. Treetop Adventure+ is all about the ‘more’. More speed, more air, more freedom, more height and more thrills. If you are looking for a step up from our Adventure course, turn things up a notch with Adventure+. A chance to engage in where food really comes from. Through a hands-on (and tasty) tour.
discover how we ensure our garden remains sustainable and organic. The group will be able to pick and eat some of our produce straight from the plants and also help with either harvesting or sewing crops as well.
A high ropes activity designed for older children with (or without) their families in mind. Adventure+ hits the feel-good factor every time.Looking for something more challenging and ideal for adults? Treetop Challenge might just be the answer.
- Easy
- 1-4 hours
- 20
High Ropes
Through a hands-on (and tasty) tour, discover how we ensure our garden remains sustainable and organic.
A treetop adventure introducing older children to a more challenging treetop trek with higher platforms and longer zips. Treetop Adventure+ is all about the ‘more’. More speed, more air, more freedom, more height and more thrills. If you are looking for a step up from our Adventure course, turn things up a notch with Adventure+. A chance to engage in where food really comes from. Through a hands-on (and tasty) tour.
discover how we ensure our garden remains sustainable and organic. The group will be able to pick and eat some of our produce straight from the plants and also help with either harvesting or sewing crops as well.
A high ropes activity designed for older children with (or without) their families in mind.
Adventure+ hits the feel-good factor every time. Looking for something more challenging and ideal for adults? Treetop Challenge might just be the answer.
Prefer to dial things down a level with an adventure that's ideal for younger children? Check out Treetop Adventure.
- Easy
- 1-5 hours
- 18